Life International Christian Fellowship, 3 St. Leger Court, St. Leger Drive, Great Linford , Milton Keynes , MK14 5HA , 01908 394013


I was privileged to be in Moi’s Bridge, a small town in Kenya, East Africa in September 2013 for an entire week.  Our desire is to make a significant change in their lives, and their future with our love in action, but we need your help.

Our desire is to build a decent structure for their school, with tables and chairs for them and the teachers. This project will only cost $12,000 US Dollars. We are asking you to consider making a donation of any size towards this project, be it a one-off gift or a monthly donation of whatever is laid on your heart. Also they urgently need the following equipment for the school of 170 pupils.

12 chairs, costing 700 Kshs each (Kenyan Shillings) total 8,400 Kshs = approx. £60.00
510 text books costing 450 Kshs each, total 229,500 Kshs = approx. £1,621.34

Please help us to raise £1,700.00 today.

Cheques can be made payable to Life International Christian Fellowship (please specify Kenya on the back of your cheque) and post to:
Life International Christian Fellowship
3 St Leger Court
St Leger Drive
Great Linford
Milton Keynes
MK14 5HA

Thank you and God bless you for your kind support.

Bishop and First Lady Maddix

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